The Fate of the City
Recently I entered into fellowship with new people who are like myself –freedom fighters, or Love warriors. Light bringers, we who are not waiting for permission to live freely, without fear, in abundance, rich in Trust and Faith. In this fine company I was asked to present what I could offer this young, intentional, decentralized, autonomous collective. I did, and with the support and input from two other women in the community did explore and discuss together about how we could bring wellness, mental health and spiritual development.
Later, after we had all gone home again, I was thinking upon the evening, looking at the things I did present in my own words and prompt from the older lady about the idea to offer the community the opportunity to have a crises line. A place for people to call in a pinch when there is acute need to talk with someone. Three other ideas where formed and presented by myself.
1. An open talking circle where people can together find courage to face and overcome, transform or transcend.
2. Classes on Yoga or Ti-chi
3. The extension of this in person, weekly class into an online video event that can be accessed from your own home.
Upon reflection I am happy, even having some pride in my saying these things into this container of potential for love’s expression, light’s shinning and true freedom. They are all things I want to do, but are also things best done together. I see the possibility arising on the horizon, distant and small. As we move towards it I have released my expectations, letting go of the details, paying attention to the bigger picture, finding the vertical connection with meaning and intention. First, here now, feeling more excited about our future, not just my or even your family too, but also the sprouting of a new civilization coming from the new consciousness that humanity and the whole planet are entering into. This is an intentional shift on an individual level to choose to always live for love, to respond to life in love and share our gifts and the abundance of the New Earth with each other.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor was it’s fall on the weekend. The New Earth will take time to grow into a mighty tree (the name of this collective that I am with is coincidentally called Eden). The destruction of the… Western Civilization will –hopefully, not be sudden or catastrophic. Rather it will have a rebirth or an egoistic death as the spirit of greed and fear is cast out of the physical structures already made. The new consciousness is not destructive, so it should not be destroying anything. The physical expression of fear and greed may self destruct, it has the capacity to do this, but we hope and pray that these dark spirits will leave, dissolve in the ether as the consciousness of Love and gifting enters into the soul of the city. Its not that the city, a foundational unit of human civilization now, is without a soul and we are now adding the consciousness of Love in the city, rather the soul of greed and fear is being let go of and people as individuals and communities are intentional in their resolve to live in Love, peace and sharing our abundant Earth bound resources in Unity.
Sign up for Chris’s monthly newsletter, the Wellness Cafe that explores the latest insights in psychology, spirituality, relationships and the journey of building an intentional community. Chris R. is a trans-personal psychology pioneer in mental health practices and alternative relationship coach. He lives and works in BC at the Wellness Cafe, a non-profit organization bringing high quality alternative mental health services to the public at affordable costs. Continue to conversation and find Chris on Telegram or Liberti.com